Car insurance is your financial protection for owning a car. It can cover the cost of damage to your car and the other driver's car. Depending on the circumstances, it may even cover associated medical bills. If you never have an accident, you may never have to make an insurance claim.
But chances are you'll have at least
one accident in your lifetime. Let's say you have an accident. He was stopped by another driver at a red light. Both cars are damaged; As a result, he has whiplash. The mechanic is offering $4,000 to repair their rear bumper and replace their rear window.The other driver at fault calls their insurance company to make a claim, and you do the same. The other driver's policy will cover the whole amount of your car repairs and most of your medical bills. But what if the other driver doesn't have insurance? You may not be able to pay for anything out of pocket.
Fortunately, your insurance policy covers damage caused by other drivers. That way that you can recoup most of the cost. Finally, assume that none of you are insured. You could try your luck and sue the other driver for damages. Or you could take the loss and pay out of pocket.
In any case, the lack of insurance will cost you something.
What is Car / Auto Insurance?
Auto insurance / Car insurance is a sort of policy that provides financial compensation for the consequences of an accident involving your car. In addition to the fundamental liability coverage required by most states, many tiers are available to provide additional coverage for a wide range of potential damages.
Related Words: Car insurance , auto insurance , insurance policy, What is Car Insurance, What is Auto Insurance,english, Car Insurance Definition, Car Insurance examples,finance
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